our mission

our vision

At Renewed Life Ministries Outreach Inc, we envision a future where every man is empowered to break free from the chains of their past, embrace a fulfilling present, and cultivate hope for a brighter tomorrow. Through our committed faith-based discipleship program, we strive to transform lives by addressing the root causes of addiction and life-controlling issues. We foster a nurturing community that promotes holistic healing—spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally, and financially—enabling men to discover their true identity in Christ and to thrive as active members of society.

Vision Statement for Renewed Life Ministries Outreach Inc:

mission statement

We serve Jesus by helping men help themselves.

The goal of Renewed Life Ministries Outreach is to provide a safe environment where men with life-controlling problems such as drugs and alcohol abuse, can experience life transformation through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The discipleship training program is designed to initiate the discipleship process, which will enable students to function as Christians in society, applying biblical principles to relationships in the family, local church, chosen vocation, and the community. Renewed Life Ministries Outreach helps individuals become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, financially prepared, and spiritually alive.  It’s not just important that men get set free from addictive behavior but that they stay free.

Statement of Faith

1. The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God. (II Timothy 3:15; I Peter 2:2)

2. There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matt. 28:19; Mark 12:29; John 5:17-30)

3. The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ is shown in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His personal future return to this earth in power and glory to rule a thousand years. (Isaiah 7:14; Hebrews 7:26; Acts 1:9-11, 2:22; I Corinthians 15:3,4)

4. The Blessed Hope is the Rapture of the Church at Christ’s coming. (I Thessalonians 4:16,17; Romans 8:23; Titus 2:13; I Corinthians 15:51,52)

5. The only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the blood of Christ. Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation. (Luke 24:47; Romans 8:16, 10:13-15; Titus 2:11, 3:5-7; Ephesians 2:13,14)

6. The redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing of the human body in answer to believing prayer. (Isaiah 53:4,5; Matthew 8:16,17; James 5:14-16)

7. The Son of God baptizes believers who ask for the Holy Spirit, with power for life and service. (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4,8, 2:4, 10:44-46, 15:8,9)

8. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit, through its sanctifying power, enables the Christian to live a holy life. (Hebrews 12:14; I Peter 1:15,16; Philippians 2:12,13)

9. There is resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life, and the other to everlasting damnation. (Matthew 25:46; Mark 9:34-48; Revelation 19:20, 20:11-15, 21:8)

10. The Church is the Body of Christ and is made up of all true believers. It is both universal and local. The purpose of the Church is for evangelism, fellowship, unity, and teaching of doctrine. (Ephesians 1:22,23, 2:22; Hebrews 10:23-25, 12:23; Acts 2:42)

Philosophy of Ministry:

How we serve Jesus by helping men help themselves:

• We serve our students, churches, volunteers, supporters, and communities.
• We are ambassadors in a ministry of reconciliation.
• Personal growth and constant improvement are essential.
• Our lives teach more than our words.
• We are committed to excellence.

Core Values:

• Life transformation is the reason for our existence.
• No one is beyond Christ’s redemption.
• We rely on a peer-to-peer discipleship model.
• We guard our integrity.
• We value the trust of our investors and partners in ministry.